The Delicious Life of a NYT Bestselling Cookbook Author

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Just One Serving:
NY Style Cheesecake

Sticky post

Is it worth 10 minutes to make your own personal, fresh-from-the-oven cheesecake? Yes, yes it is. I love anything miniature, but I don’t have the time or patience to make 48 little anything. And a cup of yogurt with graham… Continue Reading →

Butterfly Basil Chicken

Tomato & Oregano Chicken Soup

As the weather turns colder, my kids start begging for tomato soup. After reading the label, I cannot bring myself to let them eat canned soup though. Thankfully, making it yourself is easy, a million times more delicious, and will… Continue Reading →

Stuffed Flounder Florentine

Faux Fettuccine Alfredo with Broccoli

Chocolate Zabaglione Cakelets

Fontina Potato Torta

The BEST potato casserole you’ve ever had. Anytime. Anywhere.

Stella Pastina

This is a super kid-friendly meal, and actually great for babies just starting on table food. A much healthier alternative to canned soup, and amazing on a cold day!

Basil-Lemon Drizzle

Caprese Cherry Tomatoes

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