The evergreen needle does more than just smell amazing and make food delicious. It has numerous anti-inflammatory properties that also help the immune system, improve blood flow, and aid in digestion. Researchers believe rosemary also helps improve concentration, and could… Continue Reading →
Actual fruit doesn’t need a label telling you that it’s fruit. If you see the word in print on just about any product, put that product down and back away. If the box says “fruit” or “fruity,” chances are there… Continue Reading →
“Fried food” just sounds unhealthy, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re using a heart-healthy oil like olive oil, and cooking at a high enough temperature, there’s no reason to be afraid of getting out your skillet.
Canola oil is often advertised as being as good as, or even healthier than, olive oil, but I’m not buying it (seriously, I’m not buying it). Olive oil is cleanly pressed. Canola oil, like all the other “vegetable” oils, is… Continue Reading →
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